Viaje a medida a Chile


The journey to silence

Custom travel to Chile

You’ll feel a strange energy grasp you the first time you set foot in Chile, a pure and magnetic land of sudden contrasts.

Caught between the Andes and the Pacific, Chile has distilled a singular character. In everything from its enormous glaciers and white-salt seas; moonscape valleys in the planet’s most arid desert; unending wine regions or the fertile, volcanic beauty of Easter Island, where the enigmatic moai figures keep staring at the horizon.


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Cinematic note

For his film The Tree of Life (2011), director Terence Malick found himself compelled to come to Chile for its desert landscapes, araucaria trees and the strange horsetail plant, that grows in very few places on the planet.

Recommended travel time: Autumn and winter

The best time for travel to Chile is from September to February, as spring comes to the lake district and summer lends Patagonia its best moment.

Seasonal experiences

Experience the rustic gaucho’s (South American cowherd) life by spending several days on a real-life estancia ranch in the middle of Patagonia.

Thrill to a jet-boat ride, destination Leones Glacier. Kayak in the “marble chapels” or shoot the rapids on the Río Baker.

Drive the legendary Carretera Austral highway and visit the Chilean Patagonia’s most remote areas on a 4×4.

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